The First Ever/First Annual Summer Mission Project was one for the books! What an amazing week we had in D.C., serving the communities in both relational and labor-intensive work ministry through the national organization called Youth Works. Our team of 6 high school youth and 2 adult advisors returned with full hearts and many stories to share, as well as a renewed enthusiasm for mission work. Although we have returned home, our mission is, in some ways, just beginning, as we are called to go forth and continue serving like Jesus by building and nurturing relationships in our own communities and helping those in need.
Car Selfie with 7/8 of us showing.. not bad! |
On the last night of our mission trip, I provided a paragraph frame for each of us in the group to complete. I've recorded everyone's reflections here, and interspersed some photos from the trip. We have so much more to share, though, than the snippits recorded here. Please seek us out and ask us to tell you about our week in D.C...
Touring the National Mall |
Such a powerful monument - we raced to the top of the Lincoln, Rocky-style. |
"My week of service in D.C. was amazing. At first, it was uncomfortable. Then it was fun. Also, it was eye-opening. My week of service in D.C. was uplifting."
Playing freeze-in-place games on the Metro (with Emilee, our site director) |
Happy Birthday Nate! |
"My week of service in D.C. was very meaningful and fulfilling because I got to help many people. At first, I was shy, but now I feel as if I was able to get together with the group and do some great work. Then as a group, we got more quality work done than when I was shy. Also, the week here helped better establish some friendships with people from our church in addition the people we had been helping. My week of service in D.C. was important."
Painted on the wall at CCNV |
Also on the walls of CCNV (portrait of Mitch Snyder, the activist who founded CCNV) |
Enjoying the self-taught pianist Howard. Two very beautiful souls, side by side. |
"My week of service in D.C. was rewarding, and conflicting. At first, I was scared that none of the kids would like me and that our group wouldn't get along. Then, I realized kids from other churches were very rude, but our church got along great. Also, the old person's home was a little boring and awkward at first, bu the second day was much better. My week of service in D.C. was rewarding from the service."
Arlington National Cemetery and the grave of a dear friend's father, who died on September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon. |
"My week of service in D.C. was amazing because I saw how lucky I am and that I helped. At first, I was scared that the people we helped would be ungrateful. Then, we didn't work with them, we just helped ready the stuff. Also, our group was cool and we had fun. My week of service in D.C. was amazing."
Official YouthWorks banner. J. is waaaay better at selfies than I am. |
"My week of service was filled with new perspective and a renewed faith in the goodness of humanity. At first, I worried that I would not enjoy relational mission work. Then, I saw how much need existed. Also, I walked away with a deeper commitment to building community and strengthening relationships. My week of service was filled with new perspective and a renewed faith in the goodness of humanity."
Endless rounds of BS while waiting for dinner to be served (Paul was conducting official church business on his phone) |
"My week of service in D.C. was different than I expected, and rewarding to be with our group. At first, I felt out of touch and shy. Then everyone was so genuine and nice I felt comfortable and welcomed. Also, it was easier to follow good leadership than to lead. My week of service ewas not perfect but I feel like I helped."
An awesome little adventure at a park in Arlington near where we stayed. |
"My week of service in D.C. was uplifting. At first, it was intimidating. Then, it was exciting. Also, it was a good experience. My week of service in D.C. was uplifting."
Group pics! The entire group of 60; the two groups with St. Mark folk; St. Mark Church with the YW staff |
"My week of service in D.C. was rewarding and educational. At first, it was a little hard to get used to the way things were done and the beliefs of other people. Then I accepted the differences and began to simply enjoy helping the people in need. Also our adventures away from the big group were fun. My week of service in D.C. was rewarding and educational."
I like to call this the Dream Team. I dreamed of leading a Summer Mission Project... and they answered the call.
And the mark of a truly good trip? is when the team starts talking about NEXT year's trip, what we will do, where we will go.... (and just wait until you hear about one of the possibilities!) I am indebted to this amazing group of youth, along with my fantastic co-leader, Paul, for making my dream a reality.
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
-Jesus (John 13:15).