Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Seventh Day

Three 5th graders and I traveled to Lynchburg in early March for the VA Synod event known as Seventh Day.  It was a wonderful adventure!  The theme of our time together was "Journey of a Lifetime," and we tackled the story of Jacob: his betrayal of Esau; his wrestling with God; and his reconciliation with his brother.  It was an action-packed two days that included much laughter and joy as we walked in our faith journey with new friends from all over the Synod.

And we're off!! 

Love this bunch!

We were lucky enough to spot a wedding in progress at the chapel on the grounds of the conference center.  Such a special treat to bear witness to such a happy occasion!

The sunrises and sunsets at this particular place are always gorgeous.

Singing during large group

Another wonderful event for the books!