"Let your light so shine before others, so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father, who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Sunday afternoon's junior high youth group was positively filled with bright lights: shiny, radiant, strong, 12- and 13-year old lights. I love that this crew is up to any task or challenge, and exuberantly jumps in to each activity, willing to be open and honest with themselves and to share their thoughts with the group.
We explored what it means to shine our light in dark places, and how the ways in which we shine our our light may differ from time to time. Are we a nightlight, clinging to our faith during times of fear and insecurity, yet still able to offer a comforting glow amidst the shadows? Are we a party bulb, shining our light for special occasions and happy times, yet being put out of use for harder or sad times? Are we a flashlight, useful in casting strong rays of light during emergencies, yet largely out of reach? Are we festive holiday lights, sparkling at Christmas and Easter, perhaps, but not during the common days? Or are we everyday, plain old lightbulbs - casting light in every direction; faithfully shining all day, every day, into every area of our life? We talked deeply about how our light source seems to change, and how those we may encounter along the path might need us to reflect our own light and illuminate a path for them.
We played Apples to Apples, noshed on snacks and treats, and enjoyed some more thoughtful discussion as a group. As our time together drew to an end, we gathered around a lighted cross of votive candles, a quiet reminder that even in the darkest corners, the saddest circumstances, and the loneliest of people we meet, there is still light: light to shine and light to reflect.
And so, let us remember to be like bright, shiny, everyday lightbulbs, illuminating God's love and grace into the dark corners of the world.
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