Thursday, May 23, 2013

Closing out the school year...

Both groups met this past weekend for our last official youth group meeting before summer begins.  Although we'll still meet on many occasions during the summer, (Breakfast Bunch; a Gargoyle tour for the junior highs; Relay for Life; plus some informal gatherings like meeting at Sweetfrogs) this was our last time to be together with our seniors before graduation.  

Each group met separately but the first hour was spent the same way, in planning and preparation for the Youth Sunday worship service on June 9.  We met in the sanctuary, a quiet and beautiful space filled with that golden light found only at dusk.  We shared the parts of the service we like best, including the procession of the cross, the children's moment, and communion.  We chose favorite hymns, selected some beloved readings from scripture, and divvied up roles and parts among the group.  If their energy and enthusiasm is any indication, the service on June 9 promises to be memorable and special.  I'm grateful to these kids for their willingness to share their gifts with the congregation, and proud of the leadership they provide in doing so.

The junior highs played "Proverbs Balderdash" in which they were given the first part of a Proverb and they had to supply the last part.  Some of my favorites from the night (with actual Proverbs in italics):
 Don't brag about tomorrow....because it doesn't exist yet.  (or because you don't know what may happen then.  27:1).
 If you find honey, don't... give it to a bear.  (or don't eat too much, or it will make you throw up.  25:16).
If you do not punish your children... they will become spoiled (or you do not love them, but if you love your children, you will correct them.  13:24). 
Wisdom is like... YOLO meets Bilbo Baggins [Editor's note:  YOLO is teenagease for "You Only Live Once"].... or Wisdom is like a woman shouting in the street.  (1:20). 
We had some great discussion about these verses from Proverbs, and briefly looked back at one of the major themes we explored in these months since our first meeting in February, focusing on how to be a reflection of God's light in the world, and how to let our light shine.

The Senior Highs similarly had a chance to reflect on their overall theme of Who Am I? but this time in the context of what will I do with that knowledge?  We talked about summer as an opportunity to take a break from the routine and structure of the school year, but also as an opportunity to set goals and try new things.  We brainstormed "faith goals" we might set for ourselves. One of my examples was that sometimes, I get distracted by things like Facebook and texting and Youtube videos.  I forget to pick my head up and look around.  I want to be more intentional about finding Godsights every day, if possible, or at least every week. I want to make sure I am connecting to the people in front of me, not in front of my screen.  

After sharing possible goals, we illustrated our goals on an oversized piece of paper, showing what we hoped to achieve this summer as it relates to our faith.  We discovered that none among us that night were destined to be the next Picasso, but we did discover some commonalities in how we hope to grow our faith.  

Although all of us are looking forward to the stretch of summer that lies ahead, I know that I, for one, am also looking forward to the end of summer and the beginning of a brand new year of youth group.  But until then - 
To our Graduating Seniors: 
Sydney, Paul, Crosby, Matthew, Emily, Nicholas, and Thomas,

We wish you all the best! 
May you set forth on this new chapter in your lives with the knowledge that
God loves you, God is with you –
and that there is always a place for you at St. Mark.

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