Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Splish Splash!

On Sunday, we bade farewell to summer and hello to the start of a new program year at a pool party generously hosted by Carolyn R.  We are indebted to her for her hospitality, for sharing her gorgeous backyard pool with us, and for helping us create such a fun afternoon for the youth.  I am also so grateful to our returning advisor, Emily, along with the new youth advisors who joined us for this adventure, including Lewis, and Juli, who doubled as our photographer for the day, as well as for Pastor Sandy, whom we always love to include at our youth events! 

The beautiful blue skies, warm temperatures, and fluffy white clouds were the perfect backdrop to our memorable day.  We had water fights in the pool, threw each other into the water, had races on rafts, perfected stunts and tricks, and tried not to laugh too hard underwater.

Anne Carter, in the lead!!

Ahhh... naptime!

Look Ma, no hands!

The T shirt collector stole these shirts from the boys, then cleverly submerged them...

We used teamwork to rescue wayward ladderjack balls from innocent Crepe Myrtles:

Later, we took a break from the pool to play a series of Minute to Win it games, which proved to be a whole lot of fun.  Games included:
Transferring M&M's onto a plate in a smiley face pattern...
Balancing 5 Froot Loops on the end of a popsicle stick

Stacking 5 wooden blocks on a plate, balanced on one's head
Building a tower of apples, 5 delicious reds high
Transferring cotton balls, one plate to the next, using one's vaseline-smothered nose, only
Stringing penne onto spaghetti - no hands!
Racing to see who can put together the cereal box puzzle first; realizing that Life is full of Kix!

Working together to create as many words as possible out of a heaping pile of tiny alphabet pasta
Pass the Orange to each teammate - NO HANDS!
As good times often do, the party ended way too soon.  Fortunately for us, this was just the first of many more adventures in the program year - stay tuned! 

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