Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Youth Sunday

Sunday, June 9 was Youth Sunday!  What a gift our youth offered our congregation that morning in their hymn and reading selections, their musical offerings, their leadership, their participation, and their overall energy and enthusiasm during our worship service.  As we commissioned the graduating high school seniors at the end of the service, it was a bittersweet moment for many of us.  We are so happy and excited for our seniors as they begin this next chapter in their lives; and yet we will miss them so much, as they are an integral part of our church family.  

I am immensely proud of the 12 students in grades 6-12 who led worship in such a meaningful way.  

Some highlights:

Several Confirmation students led the Children's Moment, and chose the story of Noah's Ark - and the covenant God made with us in the sign of the rainbow - as the focus of their time with the young children.  They explained how the rainbows we see today are examples of Godsights, and then offered other examples of times that they catch sight of God in their daily lives, encouraging the kids to be on the lookout for the same.  The bulletin beautifully depicted this promise (along with stickers they got to wear on their shirts, of a similar design):

A sign of God's covenant with us, evidenced by the rainbow.  

Leading the Children's Moment
 Each of us has gifts to offer; each of us are remarkable, amazing, beloved sisters and brothers in Christ.  Our youth are a reflection of these truths, and it is deeply moving to witness how loving, accepting, and inclusive they - we - are.

We are so proud of you, C.  You did an exceptional job reading the Prayer of the Day!
 After working through the theme of justice over four weeks of Sunday School, the junior highs made this gorgeous banner as a gift to the church.  It will serve us well as an important reminder of what we are called to do. 

After the service, we celebrated with a cake reception for the graduates.  At the commissioning, each received a copy of Love Wins: for Teens by Rob Bell, which had been signed by members of the congregation.  
Our Youth Leaders
A closer shot of the group
Four of our seven graduates:  We are so proud of you!!

Graduates, we love you, we will miss you, and we hope that you will come back often to your home church of St. Mark.  Our doors are always open to you; we cannot wait to hear of the journeys you will take down new paths in the coming years.  

Please know and remember these words (from an old Lutheran Hymn)

As you go on your way may Christ go with you,
may He go before you to show you the way,
may He go behind you to encourage you,
above you to watch over,
beside you to befriend you,
within you to bring you peace.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Annual Outdoor Worship & Picnic

We gathered at Pen Park on Sunday, June 2 for our annual outdoor worship and picnic event, and it was a lovely morning!  The threat of rain kept us under shelter for our worship, but held off all morning, giving us time to enjoy some games after worship and lunch.  Some photos from the morning:

Look, Ma!  No hands!  Cupcake eating contest

P. wonders why everyone is making such a mess of themselves...


Runner up!

The smartest bunch of all?  Waiting till the game is over to enjoy his cupcake... WITH his hands

Parachute games with the littles.

L. flew right up into the air! 

Water balloon toss

So fun!
Love this collection of chubby giggly cheeks

Just a few of the many happy, funny, awesome kids in our faith family!