Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rite of Passage: Confirmation

Sunday was a joyous day in the life of this congregation as we witnessed the affirmation of faith by our 5 Confirmands.  This close-knit group were positively luminous on Sunday morning, shining their light and affirming what was begun for them years ago at baptism.  

The (so-named) Rainbowlicious Unicons, bookended by Pastor Sandy and me:
Dear Confirmands,

These past two years of teaching you, and being with you, have filled me with such joy and happiness.  When I think back to the earliest days of our time together, I am amazed at how far we have come as a group, and how much each of you has grown individually.  My favorite parts of the Rainbowlicious Unicons include listening to the questions you ask; hearing you express ideas, reflections and observations; and watching as you‘ve learned to care for one another.   Through your willingness to open up, to share your stories, to connect, and to reach out, you have created a solid community; I am so grateful to be a small part of that community.  We each have different hobbies, interests, and perspectives, yet we share a common love of Christ and a desire to know God better, and we seek to encourage and support each other along the way.  You are truly inspiring to me!
On this day of your Confirmation, my wish is that you carry with you three things:  First, know that God loves you, no matter what.  God loves you, God cares for you, God is always with you.  Also, remember that God’s presence is everywhere, sometimes where we least expect it. Keep your eyes and ears and hearts open to receiving the Godsights that surround us every day; pause and appreciate their beauty.  Finally, understand that you are a bright, shining light, and that you are called to bring forth light into dark places.  “You are the light of the world… let your light so shine before others so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”  -Matthew 5: 14-16.

AB, BB, WH, RG, and NK –  thank you for being a constant source of brightness and light in my life.    
